
Friday, 31 May 2013

Hello my dear friends....I thought I would let you know what we got up to LAST weekend....because SOMEONE forgot to do a post last week....

It was a nice sunny day so we decided to go for a walk......

We walked at Headley Heath where we met up with our friends at #BTSurrey...and this time we bumped into the cows at the top of the hill.....they were slightly in the way.... we approached them quietly and slowly and spoke softly to them so they did not get spooked...and asked politely if we could take their picture for @sidthecatahoula.....

...Miss Lola thought they smelled quite interesting.......

....but her favourite bit of the day was getting home and having her tripe stick to chew in the garden.....oh dear, see how long the grass had got..... the evening I watched the Champions League final with @terriertypist and we spoke to our German friends Yogi and Mr Finn on twitter....they were both supporting Borussia Dortmund and so did we....

Dortmund scored!!....

...but then the Bayern Munich players kept throwing themselves on the ground looking for penalties.....I auditioned for Bayern Munich.....

Miss Lola did not like the football and hid in the garden.....

....Peter Tosha dn I sat outside to enjoy the last of the evening sun....Miss Lola was a bit puzzled...I think she had forgotten the password to get back into the kitchen....

We are hoping for some nice sunny weather this weekend too.....Clapton


  1. Look lyk yoo ad gwate weekend Clapton! We dussny lyk dem cows do - dey stare at us! Yooz woz al vedy bwave

  2. looks like fun. We never saw those huge things in person
    Benny & Lily

  3. Wotch out for those cows if they stands up. Could get trampled.

  4. You really had a great day. M loves cows, so she would have had difficulty not walking up to them and petting them. I think they are too big for me and would be afraid they'd step on me. You were very brave.

  5. ACK! COWS! This woz the skeeriest post efur! You know how I feel about cows. They gibs me the stink eye and I dunno why coz they doesn't look or smell like chickun jerky to me.

  6. Most gorgeous sunny pictures - what a lovely place to walk. Not sure what Zack would do with the cows...

  7. Such a busy weekend - well done with the cows, the have a tedancy to attack typist not matter how calm she tries to remain!!

  8. You better gather up yer strengths Clapton, looks like you is gonna have to mow the lawn next weekend or you is gonna lose Lola in the jungle. Or is that your plan?

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.


Ello for you. This is where you can say ello for me and leave some forts. I like it when peeple be sayin fings