
Friday, 24 May 2013

Pride part VI

Hello my lovely chums. I have been collecting a few last pictures of members of the border terrier posse with their badges....

Mr Rocket...@roccketdogBT.....a star-studded presentation....
Miss Zoe....@zoetheborder....calling in from Canada with news of her delivery....our non-UK members are contributing to a charity which assists with the cancer that took Miss Zoe's brother and Friend of the Posse, Wylie, from us last year...
Friend and neighbour Mr Jed....@jedborderterror...pawses for thought....
Miss Amber....@bt_porton....asks when her badge will be sewn onto something...
Miss Millie....@millietigerlily....has colour-coordinated her entire house....
Miss proud and patriotic as she flies the flag for terrierdom...

Do keep the photos coming my friends.....

Clapton, Border Terrier HQ.


  1. Momz finally sewed my badge on my camo bandana and promised she'd get my picture and send it in to you this weekend Clapton

  2. Bwill agen Clapton! Da kew of BTs be neva endin! Wel it stwetch at lees frum ere to Canda!

  3. Looks like world domination is yours!

  4. Hi Clapton

    I thought I'd tweeted you my pic but I don't see it in the posse posts. Shall I tweet it again or would it be better to email it?



Ello for you. This is where you can say ello for me and leave some forts. I like it when peeple be sayin fings