Thursday, 23 June 2011
Country Club Opening Day
Ello for you. I did promiss everyone I would give you update of ow the openin day went at Marley's Border Terrier Country Club. First of all I do say fanks to the undreds of anipals and their pawsons who did take the time to stop by. We had visits from dogs, cats, rabbits, a hedgehog and at least one hamster. We did also ave a record for comments left on a blog post and a havalanche of messijs on twitter. You can read them all here...
Some folks came wiv big plans. Hamish (@hamishthewestie) told me that "i'll go swimmin & Moo wil paddle, den we wil do run, run in long grass, den nappin."...and @loopeydoops spent the day in the hydroferapy spa, which was a very popliar opshun...
Winston (@redambiegreen) did give a football marsterclarss....but i dussnt be bale to embed the viddyoh so i send you to dis link to see him in akshun....(advice on ow to embed yFrog viddyoh gratefully received)...
Smudge (@smudgeBT) was the first to try the rock climbin...
...and Brutus (@brutusthedane) was offerin to elp out the little doggies in the off-roadin sekshun by acting as look out using his big, long legs...Jess (@jesspals) did say she was going for a a lil swim in the pool and then maybe a light snack of meat. Ruffy (@ruffy_the_bt) said he was good at dressage and so he was first up on the orses...
Marffa (@marthethewestie) was very keen to join in the terrier racin and I feel sure she will be the winner..
....ooops, mum got the camera the rong way round .....but ere she is the right way up showin us her Usain Bolt impresshun in the lounge area...
I dunno if Griff & Ollie (@thegobros) knew that when they said "Dude....sign us up - terrier races followed by swimming' wiph @Dogstoyevsky"...
We had some takers for our "minority" activitees. Bertie (@diamondbertie) said "I want directions 4 the cat chasing courts, BTW do U have squirrel chasing facilities?"...and Broono (@samdavey23) was quite keen to find some ducks to chase about, which was a coincidence because my sister Islay (@issiebissy) also told me she was looking for ducks to elp her practiss her swimmin. Mebbe they should join @tedonthebed by the Lake where he is watchin the swans... long as Charlee (@barneyally) haz not scared em off...
.....and I had reports from the staff that Dora (@dorabt) was heard asking Bridie (@bridietheborder) "Grate issent it. Game ov flowerpot chase? Later?"...
Hamish, my hamster chum, (@little_hamey) asked very nicely to be allowed to join and said he like "exxxercise in wheelll and sleepinnng" I sent him for a nap in the room where the towels was keepin warm...
Another Amish (@highlandhamish), also did send out a report late in the evening "Had a relaxing swim at @marleyterrier 's doggie spa & now getting ready to go to the Vets - have a good day my anipals "wags tail"" i fink you can see he was made all relax for his vet of the many benefits we is offerin...
Murfee (@no1border) was kind enuff to point out that "all is good but dad duz need some complamentry poo bags when we waz in park he ran out and had2use crisp bag"...oh deer, we has to sort that out wiv facilitees manager I fink cos Holly @borderterrorhol) notified ground staff that "thank u leisurely stroll round the gardens, oopsie i did whoppsie .x ".......but later Murfee was on the courts and was reportin "I has been on the courts just now and got tennis balls!! hope it's not sore like grandad's tennis elbow:-)"......well we let Rox (@shasel) show im wot to do...
Many doggies were very pleased with the chillaxin opshuns and Ted (@tedonthebed) & Sergie (@sergeijugpup) liked the complimentary robes on offer... did @loopeydoops...
There was plenty of doggies askin bout caterin facilitees (of corse!!) and Poppy (@valentineslady) did prodoose some supplies of stinky fish whot she was appy to share wiv a posse of blondes hangin out in the top fields....
......and Milo & Rossi (@milo_rossi) made theyselves popular by *orders pigs eers for everywun at da country club*......which was appreesheeayted by Charlotte (@charshy_pup) "om nom nom licious pigs ear, gwat afta a swim don't wury I did shake off outside Bol" we had to start givin noms some serious fort so I contacted my pal @ernietheborder and his clever mommy Claire (@clairetweet)and ask her to make some speshul noms...cos I did recall these fine ideas...
I know that Mr Inch (@mrinch) would ave appreciated some noms after a busy mornin potholin...
....and umpirin the crikkit teams...
Lexie (@dogstoyevsky) and Bridie (@bridietheborder) spent the day bombin in the mud pools - "comin to da mud barfs ? *splosh splosh splosh bubble - oops excoos me!" but it all ended well cos I did bump into Bridie at the Spa later...."*swans out of steam room* grate countree club my pal"...
Grissom (@grissom_walker) was the first into the shower complex....
....soon followed by Broono the Yorkie...
and Bridie (@bridietheborder) was soon complementin me on the Eau d'Wet Dog scent in the changin areas...
...Frankie (@jonesgirl_3) proved much better at agilitee than our instructors....
...and Ernie (@ernietheborder) benefitted from his guidance... did Rosie (@rosieterrier) .....
Amish (@hamsihthewestie) was so bizee he could not decide wevver he was appier swimmin...
....or playin on the beach....
....but I fink he decide on the beach cos Murfee was in the pool doing lengffs...
....but he had to be careful cos Hella (@hellahedgie) got stuck in the end of the water shoot...
..thankfully he was rescued and later told the receptionist that "I'm spending the rest of the summer at @marleyterrier's club! This place is the best!!".......Toby & Alfie kept out of danger in the deepend...
but the pool was the better opshun when Leo (@leotheborder) discovered that the Lake was iced over...(click HERE if the viddyoh below do not werk for you)
...and we had to send Millie (@wallprice) all the way out to the beach to find some open water that was swimable...but this is annuver yFrog viddyoh that i has to send you to it by your owns....LINKY
....but i can show you ow Millie found Impi (@impibrdrterrier) on that beach diggin to Australia...
Sensibly, some ouf our older members was all about the nappin in the Meditation Zone....lead by Ted an Isaac (@realjoannek)...
..and @loopeydoops...
....and Indy (@borderpup) was even found "*lying under palm tree, being waited on hand and paw"...and Olly (@ollyted) took a sensible approach for a bear and "i finks i haf my paws mannycured hehe"...and he was later overhead tellin @marshallsheldon "when yew haffin mannycure them brings cayks nd feed yew nibbles!" my dear pal and blog follower @pandafur told me on the quiet that "that iz a fancy country club but I izn't doing sports Iz doing spa an napz!"...which is wot appealed to Ginger & Mac (@borders2) too..
....and also Broono...
...and Berkeley (@berkeleybear) also told me "I sign up for membership. I think a deck chair and Pimms is for me... Some one have to watch all the activity too...". Quite right Berkeley...and I fink they was even wise to avoid the massage room where Indy did see Lexie in danger of bein broken by our somewhat inexperienced shiatsue ninja...
....but in case you duz be finkin we runnin unlicensed operayshun here my good pal Karen Wild (@wildpaw) celebrity dog trainer, behaviourist and writer did send along Bonnie & Pickles to be checkin out fings wiv clipboard of elf & saftey requirements...
....they give us clean bill of elf and I gib them Platinum VIP membership status..!!
One brave doggie (Monty, the bruvver of @leotheborder) even found time to try out the ice bath straight from the sauna..(click HERE if the viddyoh do not werk on your poota)...
.....whilst Mr K (@mrkiplingwoof) went for a more "interesting opshun.."just signed up for tennis ball practice followed by the spa fox poo body wrap"..... which strangely seemed to be a popular option wiv many dogs...
All in all it was so quiet that our sekurity team ad nuffing to do accordin to Murfee...
....even tho there was a lively gang who just came in to prop up the bar: @pasikas @bijntje @borderpup @stringerspaniel...!!
I am glad you haz all enjoyed the openin day. I look forward to welcomin you to the club again....pleez keep your customer feedback comin in on twitter using #marleyscountryclubmemberreports....we have even had enquiries for branches in New Mexico from @hellahedgie and in Chicago from @bigboybosco and @sidthecatahoula...But Oz (@oz_theterrier)in Florida coldnt wait and he is packin to come to ENgland....
And if you is need of any further evvydene of benefishull effects of membership then I just quote you dis from Charlotte (@charshy_pup): "Iz gonna has a welaxing massage at @marleyterrier country club den I snooze & smooch @IamZorro". *winks*
Woof....Marley (proprietor)....xx In the werds of @bearberkeley the more the terrier....
p.s. my pal @happpiii tells me "*having lots and lots of keyboard hopping exercise trying to spell #marleyscountryclubmemberreports properly*". So, you see, we look after you in every way..
p.p.s. the Disciplinaree Committee is lookin into allegations of skinny-dippin by @dogstoevsky @thisbear, @babzb01 and @kelsoeterrier but is not expectin to hand out eavy penalties..espeshully cos Dolly is talkin bout super-injunkshuns...
Monday, 20 June 2011
Marley's Country Club & Sports Complex
Some of my pals has been avin plenty of exercisin this week. Here you duz be watchin Zack playin in his tunnels practisin his agilitee..
....yuo can catch up wiv all his adventures here
.....and also my pal Mrs Magoo haz been doin some swimmin.... this got me finkin mebbe it was time we opened up Marley's Country Club again for the season....I is offerin free membership for the first 500 doggies and other anipals (and their pawsons of corse...) wot do be applyin by leavin a comment below or tweetin me on @marleyterrier...
For them wot is super affletic you can haz a go at terrier racin....I did this once......I was last.....cos I couldnt see the wabbit cos of my cataracts...
....and if you prefer ridin yore bike then we haz a spin class for you at 2pm every day....
....and the trooly adventuress can go wiv our fully kwalified guides up to the climbin wall at the bottom of the big field and ave a go at mountaineerin...
After you naps, we also haz a runnin club wot do meet regularly and you can swap tips and be chattin to other affleets...
...and if you is of a more hartistic bent then we have graceful gymnastiks wot you can do like the laydees in the Olympics...
After the compulsory nappin sesshun for those enjoyin full-board terms, we ave some off-road explorin for you to do in company of the STS (Speshul Terrier Serviss)....
Me an Lola tried that one....
Some of our guests, might need some elp from Zack in completin the basic agilitee corse...
....but we also haz tennis for them wot like to pass a more sedate afternoon wiv they friends...
...and we got swimmin for them doggies who like it (not me, I dussnt like gettin wet but I spect @dogstoyevsky might ave a go)....mebbe Mrs Mgoo will show you ow...
....or some gentle swingin for the older residents...
....and some orse ridin for the upper classes....
....wevver you is doin wiv a orse or wivout...
.....and of corse when you is done we got fully-ekwipped changin room facilitees...
....wiv mirrors for them wot haz to make theyselves bootiful afterwards...
....and some very comfortubble rooms and sweets for thems all-impawtants naps.....
I hope you haz enjoyed your stay at Marley's Country Club. Pleez come again....Marley (proprietor)....woof
p.s if you wants to emale me a pic of you enjoyin da facilitees i will do annuvver blog next week....peemail to marleyterrier57 at goolemail dot com.....fanks
....yuo can catch up wiv all his adventures here
.....and also my pal Mrs Magoo haz been doin some swimmin.... this got me finkin mebbe it was time we opened up Marley's Country Club again for the season....I is offerin free membership for the first 500 doggies and other anipals (and their pawsons of corse...) wot do be applyin by leavin a comment below or tweetin me on @marleyterrier...
For them wot is super affletic you can haz a go at terrier racin....I did this once......I was last.....cos I couldnt see the wabbit cos of my cataracts...
....and if you prefer ridin yore bike then we haz a spin class for you at 2pm every day....
....and the trooly adventuress can go wiv our fully kwalified guides up to the climbin wall at the bottom of the big field and ave a go at mountaineerin...
After you naps, we also haz a runnin club wot do meet regularly and you can swap tips and be chattin to other affleets...
...and if you is of a more hartistic bent then we have graceful gymnastiks wot you can do like the laydees in the Olympics...
After the compulsory nappin sesshun for those enjoyin full-board terms, we ave some off-road explorin for you to do in company of the STS (Speshul Terrier Serviss)....
Me an Lola tried that one....
Some of our guests, might need some elp from Zack in completin the basic agilitee corse...
....but we also haz tennis for them wot like to pass a more sedate afternoon wiv they friends...
...and we got swimmin for them doggies who like it (not me, I dussnt like gettin wet but I spect @dogstoyevsky might ave a go)....mebbe Mrs Mgoo will show you ow...
....or some gentle swingin for the older residents...
....and some orse ridin for the upper classes....
....wevver you is doin wiv a orse or wivout...
.....and of corse when you is done we got fully-ekwipped changin room facilitees...
....wiv mirrors for them wot haz to make theyselves bootiful afterwards...
....and some very comfortubble rooms and sweets for thems all-impawtants naps.....
I hope you haz enjoyed your stay at Marley's Country Club. Pleez come again....Marley (proprietor)....woof
p.s if you wants to emale me a pic of you enjoyin da facilitees i will do annuvver blog next week....peemail to marleyterrier57 at goolemail dot com.....fanks
Wednesday, 15 June 2011
Monday, 13 June 2011
Cornwalled: oliday blog part 2
So, if I remembers fings correctly I did leev you curled up in a sootcase avin a snooze.....that's me avin a snooze, not you....well if you was I dussnt remember you....
Anyway....I soon got down to some serious business....
....but the pawsons was soon interruptin this and hoikin us off to Polzeath to ave some brekkfast....
...But i am supishus that not everyone do ave their hear set on a nootrishuss meal....
...but eventually I do persuade em that I needs to do some shoppin for vital supplies....
.....but surely it was time for lunch?.....
...but's back to Rock again.....
....but today we did get a surprise and we is not maked to walk all the way in one go and we did stop off in Daymer Bay to ave a look at the rock pools wot the sea had made and leff behind when he went out....
....we did stop there for a hour but soon we was makin the second half of the trek back to Rock.....across the giant beach...
...but at least we got some fun....
...and wen we got back to Rock we did go to our favrit cafe where the first fing they do is bring water for firsty doggies...and we did get to met Enry the giant Airedale doggie....
....and by the time we was collected and taken ome we was pretty pooped....
...and the followin day it was time to be packin up and headin ome agane.....but first tidyin up the cottage...
.....which lead to yet more tiredness. Dad say me I has been "Cornwalled" agane..... it's back to Surrey for us......
.....but as a nice gesture the peeple of Polzeff and Rock has erected giant statyoo of the dog who did roam their cliffs wivout end......
Woof....Marley on Vaycayshun...
Anyway....I soon got down to some serious business....
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Saturday plannin committee in sesshun... |
....but the pawsons was soon interruptin this and hoikin us off to Polzeath to ave some brekkfast....
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Polzeff: urban eyesore |
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*attempts to use The Force* |
...But i am supishus that not everyone do ave their hear set on a nootrishuss meal....
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Queuin for ice-creems |
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I think Ed dropped a bit.... |
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New sword for St Marley Day costoom |
.....but surely it was time for lunch?.....
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Pastie face..... |
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Polzeff: concreet jungle |
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King of all I survey.... |
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....except the wet bits...I dussnt like water... |
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Lola haz put herself on a pedestal....AGANE |
...but at least we got some fun....
...and wen we got back to Rock we did go to our favrit cafe where the first fing they do is bring water for firsty doggies...and we did get to met Enry the giant Airedale doggie....
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Enry watches me hooverin up crums.... |
...and the followin day it was time to be packin up and headin ome agane.....but first tidyin up the cottage...
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Wot? It was like this when I find it.... |
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Is probbly jet lag |
.....but as a nice gesture the peeple of Polzeff and Rock has erected giant statyoo of the dog who did roam their cliffs wivout end......
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Visibill from space |
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