Ello for you.....as you do see me n Lola ave been somewhat pole-axed by the warm wevver in da UK for the last few days.....
....bemused by sunshines.... |
...cos, as you do kno, we is not used to real summers in this part of the werld where the last few weeks ave seen rain, wind, sleets, hail and snows for some..........Claptun was offerin his advices....
.....might be a bit sticky on da furs of course..... |
...and even dad did say we haz to be very careful on our walks and haz to go only where there be shades for us....
....shady zoomins.... |
...shady peemail updates from pals... |
...shady nommin on the hedgerow buffet... |
.....it was a nice walk and we did not be gettin hot and bovvered and my heart was not givin us any trubbles....but it was nice to get back ome and ave some "ME" time in the back garden....
...*insert own hot-dog jokes here*.... |
.....and we did ave some lazy times while Claptun did read to us for the Anipal Book Club....we is readin 11.22.63 by Steven King....
...is you sittin comfortablee? Then I do begin... |
...Claptun did ave to read out loud cos there was no pictures for Lola to be lookin at wiv her small brane.....
...Lola and Claptun do some tannin.... |
....but i dussnt be likin the sun for too long so I go back inside to find a variety of places for slumpin....
hallway slumpin: not bad |
lounge rug slumpin: better |
comfy chair slumpin: best |
...but there is only so much peas and quiet to be haz wiv Lola about......
...get up Marlee, sumfing be appenin |
.....and akshully, for once, Lola be on to sumfing.....
...chewy sticks is bein anded round..... |
....but even just chewin some rawhide be exhorstin werk in this wevver.....
Lola: post-chew slumpin.... |
...so I says to you all to be extra careful out there this week in the hot suns....or you will be like me and very "surprised" by the global warmin....
....dismayed by summer..... |