Sumtimes I make a big fuss about us gettin our air cut but this time I fink I goin to keep it low profile.
Lola did ave hers done by profeshernulls at the farm where we did go on our olidays and I fink she be lookin like a little pup agane...
I fink we can agree at dis be a improovement on wot she was lookin like before...
Owever, I did not get dealed wiv by experts and mum did ave to do it. There is outside chnace that the followin foto may suggest that I did make sumfink of a fuss bout it...
Iz not true....and my lawyers will back me up....anyway iz done now and I fink we can agree we haz a decent result...
Dad fink I look sad in that photo but I tell you I was not sad and it was juss his rubbish tekneek wiv camera...
Ello for you my pals. I do be returnin from my olidays and also the familee haz returned from their trip to Cornwall. Dad did ave a lot of spare time when he was there and he started finkin up bizness ideas. The first one was "ome delivery" border terriers...
These two do be Ellie and Ollie (we fink we got that right) who the familee did meet near Padstow. They was goin on a bike ride....we said we would menshun them here.
His next idea tho was openin a Marley's Border Terrier Franchise but we did need to find someone who would do it for us. So we telled him to go an see our friend Minky who do live in Bristol wiv her pawsons who iz old frends of mum an dad. Here is Minky....
We did tell dad to check if Minky could keep an eye on dem west country squirrels and he did report that she could...
Then we arsk him to see if she did likes a wuzz and a fuss....
....and I fink we see that she do like em as a border terrier should. But that do be easy test and so we arsk if she do be clever and do ave bizzniss akyoomen...
...and she showed him ow she could beat the children at Monopilee..
Then we did tell him to be kwiet and see if she pass the ultimate test and do like sleepin on his lap...
I fink we see that dad haz worked his usual magic and that Minky do be very sootable for handlin our first franchise. Willium tell me that the children decided to celebrate wiv a party and Minky did join in wiv singin a song...
Hee hee. Well done Minky and welcome to our company. Woof
Ello for also goodbye....for a bit. I do be goin on oliday tomorrow. I do go to the farm where I woz born and I do be looked after by Julia.
The best bit bout it is that I gets to see my mum and dad. Ere do be dad, who is called Rocky...
I fink we can agree that he is an ansome dude and it do be obvious where I gets my looks.
Ere is mum, who do be called Sparky...
...and I fink we can agree that she do be very pretty.
This week I did find out that my litter was born on 25 December 2006. Yes, I did be born on Christmas day! I don't fink there was any start in the sky an I certainly dussnt remember no presents from Kings or anyfink like dat.
Owever, Julia's entry on Champdogs duz show two pictures of puppies from dat litter. I dussnt fink they duz be me...I was runt of the litter so prolly not used for advertisin...
So, these be my bruvvers or sisters. Sometimes when we go to the farm we do see some of em cos Julia always welcomes back her dogs for olidays and fings. An also, my sister Tilly do live there all the time so we do be doin some catchin up on old times on Fursday mornin.
I dussn't tell no one but you this, but the best bit of goin back ome is that we do gets roast beef on Sunday. Don't tell the typist cos he might not let me go back there anymore if he fink I gettin spoiled.
I ope we be able to take some fotos wiv my doggie familee next week and we do update when hoomans retrun from Cornwall.
Today I is eggstra polite cos we do be needin your patience wiv dis blog cos dad, who we do employ to type up our forts, haz elped himself to a new toy to try and improve the kwality of wot you do see ere. He haz a new iBone 4 which do ave a better camrera than the old one an also do be takin sum viddyoh films. He tell me he get it to elp me wiv my writin but I do fink he rilly wanted it for hisself. Juss now he is crouchin wiv it in da corner and sayin "It's ok my prescious. The little dog will never get you" and strokin it like it iz his new best friend or sumfink.
Anyway, wot you fink of my new portrait....?
Ansome, no? Clooneyesque?
I fink it did be workin better when we did use it for catchin Lola in her usual posishun around the ouse...
Por old Lola, she do ave speshul needs....
So, by now you do be finkin "wot about the viddyoh funcshun". Well, we did go on a walk and we did catch Lola runnin away from sumfink...
....and dat sumfink was her big brother who do show er who is boss I fink...
.....hee hee.
As you may know if you duz be in the UK, this weekend was very hot (at least it was for us in the Sowf of the country). We did make Willium and dad put up the hammock under the apple trees so we could ave somewhere shady in the garden...
....and Lola also did try and use it, kno.....she dussnt ave much brane...
...but I do and I use to remember that it do be too hot for dogs and so I go inside to find the collest spot right down at the bottom of the ouse where the sun do not get to...
Lola, wivout my immense brane, did not fink bout this and did stay in the garden, chewin on a stick and lookin at apples....(pffff, I arsk you)..
You dussnt catch me doin that and also you dussn't catch me allowin the typist to interfere wiv me nappin..
Juss for that dad, you bring I noms IMMEDIATELY....
Of course, there was quite a lot of sport on telly this weekend, so we did lose atenshun of typist on Sunday wot wiv grand prix, Torder France and some football. I did ignore most of it, but Lola's smal brane was a bit confused by the little runnin men on the TV....
Well, wot you expect from a dog who do volunteer to be near the sock?...
I fink mebbe that enuff iBone-related fun for now. On Fursday I do go on my olidays to the farm so I duz be away for a bit. But I do be comin back later and I ope we can show you sumfink about our farm familee.
We are Marley and Lola and Clapton: Marley went OTRB in December 2012 but was the founder of the Border Terrier Posse on Twitter. Lola and Clapton are two Border Terriers who live in Ashtead in Surrey . Lola is a real doggie who comes from Cidermill Farm in Newdigate, Surrey. Clapton is a mo-hair border terrier who came from the internet.