Tuesday 20 October 2009

Walks and games

It has been quite a while since we did give you an update for me an Lola. That is becos we have been very busy and certain typists have been distracted with other things.

On Saturday, we decided to go for a walk. This is what usualy happens when a walk is announced round here. See how Lola thinks she is somehow the boss of me and is responsible for takin' me for the walk. I ask you!

Luckily, we decided to take Willium with us to keep Lola in order. See what luxury he does travel in...

Willium does not always like it when the paparazzi follow us about....

...and while he was distracted, Lola did get to thinkin' she was the boss of me again...

...so I made her go paddlin...

...then when we got 'ome we did play the bottle game with Willium...

Hurray for our walk. Hurray for Willium.

Marley Reporteur....woof


  1. I seened you getting a talking to bout drinking out of that big waters. Wot does the hoomans espekt when it is there for the taking? A little mud in the tummy never hurted anyone. The both of you shore do keep that William in shape!


Ello for you. This is where you can say ello for me and leave some forts. I like it when peeple be sayin fings